5 Interesting facts about Dogs
1.Dogs Sense:
Depending on the breed the dogs has 125 million to 300 million scent glands compared to only 5 million to humans and the part of the dogs the controlled smell is 40 times large than yours.
2. Hearing sense:
The dogs may be born deaf but can quickly surpass our hearing abilities. Dogs can higher pitched sounds detecting a frequency range of 67 to 45000 herds.
3.Smelling sense:
The dogs can pick up on subtle changing in your scent which can help him figure out how you are feeling such as by smelling your prespirition when you become nervous and fearful.
4.Mature dogs:
A one year old pup is as physically mature as 15 year old human human of course different breeds age a little differently. A large dog age faster than small one.
5.Sense Time:
The dog does have a sense of time and misses you when you are gone If you think your dog knows when its time for dinner or a walk you are right dogs pick up a routine and habits.
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